+33 (0)6 16 26 56 34
July - August: Every day from 08h30 to 19h00
Open from April to November

Canyoning comparative table in the gorges du Verdon

To help you to pick up a tour, here is a summary of the main characteristics of every canyoning trip, with our rates.

Comparative - Canyoning in the Verdon region

Difficulty levelMinimum ageTrip time Price
Canyon of Haut-JabronBeginner8 years old3h0040€
Canyon of Bas-JabronBeginner8 years old2h0040€
Canyon of La BalèneBeginner8 years old2h3040€
Canyon of Baudan-BaouBeginner8 years old3h0045€
Canyon of Saint AubanAdvanced14 years old3h0050€
Canyon of La Lance - Half dayAdvanced14 years old3h0055€
Riou of Moustiers-Sainte-MarieAdvanced16 years old5h0065€
Val d'AngouireAdvanced (Beginner and intermediate)16 years old6h0070€
Canyon of MainmorteAdvanced16 years old6h0070€
Canyon of FernéAdvanced 16 years old6h0070€
Canyon of La Lance - Whole dayAdvanced16 years old5h0075€
Canyon of RiolanBeginner with endurance and water confidence16 years old5h0075€
Clue d'AiglunAdvanced16 years old5h0075€

localization - Canyoning course around the Verdon Gorge

You can use the map below to calculate your route to your activity. Do not forget to increase the time estimated by Google by about 20%, which is the time lost on our small roads.

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